Helpful Tips to Take Care of a Dementia Patient

Author: KB Healthcare Services | | Categories: Assisted Living , Caregivers , Companionship Care , Dementia Care , Elderly Care , Home Care , Home Care Assistance , Home Care Companion , Home Health Care , Home Health Care Agency , Nursing Care , Senior Care

Helpful Tips To Take Care Of A Dementia Patient


As providers of elderly care in Herndon, Virginia, we are no strangers to the challenges of taking care of a senior with dementia. Their condition presents unique challenges to which families find a hard time to adapt.

Fortunately, we offer you some helpful advice in providing senior care for dementia patients.

  • Establish a daily routine.
    Experts providers of personal care in Virginia will tell you that setting clear schedules make life for a dementia patient easier. Build a consistent routine that considers when your loved one is most alert, refreshed, calm, or responsive. Of course, be flexible to changes during particularly difficult days.
  • Provide clear choices.
    In giving nursing care, we acknowledge that dementia patients are still capable of making their own choices. So make sure that they receive every opportunity to choose. But keep the choices simple, like letting them choose between two shirts or two dishes.
  • Reduce distractions.
    Too much noise can keep your loved one from focusing, which can be frustrating for you and them. Our home care professionals recommend turning down the volume on the TV or radio during conversations, meals, or activities.
  • Make your home safer for them.
    Their condition makes them vulnerable to accidents and injury. Therefore, you should find ways to make the home safer for them. Check the locks, furniture, rooms, lighting, plumbing, and other fixtures to see if they are still secure.
  • Be patient.
    Things will not always go as planned. There will be times when your loved one becomes uncooperative or does things that are hard to understand. Still, your loved one deserves to have a happy life in spite of their condition. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a provider of high-quality healthcare services.

KB Home Health Care Services – Northern VA Senior Care has a team of caregivers who can work with you in making life easy for your loved one with dementia. Count on us to provide in-home assistance that alleviates the challenges of care for you, your family, and your loved one’s benefit. Schedule a FREE consultation today.

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